By The Chip Witch on Thursday, 19 October 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 19 October, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

19 October, 2023

Solar activity was low. The same three spotted regions remained on the solar disk from 12 hours ago; all remained stable and inactive.

The solar kp index is unsettled, with retrograde effects slightly enhanced. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind became slightly elevated early in the UT day with what appears to be a CIR and positive polarity CH HSS. Total field increased to 13 nT and Bz has undergone southward deviations as strong as -10 nT. Wind speeds increased from under 350 km/s to over 450 km/s before leveling off around 425 km/s. The phi angle was positive after transitioning out of the CIR and into the HSS.

There is a 30% chance of solar activity, with a 35% chance of a minor event, a 25% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Sagittarius, at 19 degrees, 02' 36", at a velocity of 13.33 degrees per day.

The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 4.4 days old. It is 377038.59 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Libra

The Sun is at 25 Lib 36' 28", and is 149031598km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Sagittarius

The Moon will change from Sagittarius to Capricorn in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 19 Sag 02' 36", and is 382061km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Sagittarius

Alright folks, grab your telescopes, suspend your disbelief and maybe your physical laws for a moment, because we're about to embark on today's cosmic rollercoaster. The Moon, our beloved nightlight, is currently hanging out in Sagittarius. Yep, the archer has caught the Moon! No need to alert NASA, it's all metaphorical! Now, you might be wondering, "How far is the Moon?" Well, let me tell you, it's precisely 382,249.682942269 km away! Yes, I included the decimal points because when it comes to space, every inch counts. Or kilometer, we don't discriminate units here. But hold onto your space helmets, because this moon isn't staying put. It's like that one friend who can't sit still at a party and always ends up in weird conversations with the house plants. Within the next 24 hours, the Moon is going to shift into Capricorn. I know, I know, sounds like a pretty intense zodiac relocation program, right? But hey, no need to worry about any lunar jet lag affecting your horoscope. The Moon is a seasoned traveler and can handle this astrological commute. So, what does this mean for us, mere Earthlings? Well, as our dear Moon transitions from the fiery Sagittarius to the grounded Capricorn, expect an energy shift from adventurous spontaneity to practical determination. So, if you've been feeling particularly impulsive—like adopting six cats or starting that DIY rocket ship project—expect to start coming back down to Earth soon. That's right, you might actually finish that rocket ship instead of just daydreaming about it and annoying your friends with blueprints. So, buckle up, cosmic travelers! The universe has got quite the ride planned for us. And remember, stay curious, stay whimsy, and keep looking up!


Mercury is in Libra

Mercury is prograde at 24 Lib 55' 59", moving at 1.69 degrees per day, and is 211886041km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Libra

Buckle up your spaceship seat belts, star gazers! The loquacious planet Mercury has decided to play house with the ever-so-balanced sign Libra. What does this interstellar combination mean for us mere earthlings, you ask? Well, it's all about communication, my friends! Imagine your last family dinner when Aunt Edna was arguing about the merits of her potato salad while Uncle Bob rolled his eyes at the 50th time of hearing it. Now imagine if they had the ability to discuss their difference of opinion without the threat of flying cutlery. That's Mercury in Libra for you! As Libra is represented by the Scales of Justice in Astrology, it's like having a celestial referee in your corner. We're going to be more objective, fair-minded, and diplomatic, attempting to approach every situation with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. So, bid adieu to petty squabbles and say hello to calm, collective conversations. However, there's a catch! You don't want to be so 'nice' that you end up sugar-coating things like a glazed donut. Whilst it might be tempting to not rock the spaceship, truth and honesty are the pillars of efficient communication. Remember, agreeing is not the only way of connecting with someone. You can express your differing opinions as long as it's done with respect and openness. So, folks, lace up your cosmic sneakers and get ready to run the relay race of diplomacy. Remember, communication is the key...even if it's about Aunt Edna's contentious potato salad. Happy stargazing!


Venus is in Virgo

Venus is prograde at 09 Vir 16' 37", moving at 0.96 degrees per day, and is 98539137km away and receding.

Venus Is In Virgo

Greetings, Earthlings! Your friendly neighborhood astrologer is here with some cosmic news: Venus, our little galactic goddess of love, has clocked in for her shift in Virgo. Now, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but when Venus clocks into Virgo, she tends to don her lab coat and safety goggles, swapping out those rose-tinted glasses for a more... realistic perspective. Suddenly, love starts to look less like a Nicholas Sparks novel and more like an episode of MythBusters. But hey, before you start moping about, remember that perfection is a myth, just like the idea that you can’t wear socks with sandals. You totally can, by the way. So, what does this mean for all you love birds out there? It’s time to take out your relationship microscopes and start looking for those pesky red flags. Sure, it might seem unromantic, but trust me, it's better than falling for someone who thinks Pluto isn't a planet. *Shivers* Now, don’t go thinking that Venus in Virgo is all work and no play. Oh no, my friends. This celestial event is a lot like Spock at a Star Trek convention. Sure, it's a bit analytical, but man, can it get passionate about the nitty-gritty details. Virgo is an Earth sign, after all, and what do Earth signs love? That's right, food, art, nature, and people. So, expect to find joy in the finer things in life - like dissecting the plot holes in your favorite sci-fi series. In conclusion, while this transit may seem as appealing as a Klingon love poem, remember that it’s not all doom and gloom. It’s a time for constructive criticism, detailed analysis, and most importantly, appreciating the smaller, often overlooked aspects of life. Yes, even those socks with sandals. Peace out, stargazers!


Mars is in Scorpio

Mars is prograde at 04 Sco 48' 51", moving at 0.68 degrees per day, and is 381438607km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Scorpio

Mars In Scorpio: The Cosmic Spartan Race

Alright, stargazers, it's time to strap on your space boots and break out the cosmic compass, because Mars, our red-headed celestial brother, has just moved into Scorpio, and it's promising to be an interstellar rollercoaster ride, without the safety bar. Let me put it this way, if Mars was a house guest, he'd be the rowdy uncle who eats all the leftovers and then challenges you to a wrestling match. In Scorpio, he’s that uncle on espresso shots.

Mars in Scorpio is like having Tony Stark's Iron Man suit in your spiritual wardrobe, it supercharges your drive and ambition. Compromise? Pfft, as likely as finding Pluto's not been demoted to a dwarf planet. You're the captain of your spaceship now, and if anybody tries to grab the steering wheel… well, let’s just say they might find themselves floating in a zero-gravity zone!

Your willpower could make a Jedi Knight look like a teddy bear during this period. Mars in Scorpio revels in the darker corners of the asteroid belt, pulling you toward some deep-space introspection that could set the stage for a major transformation. Think butterfly metamorphosis, but with more cosmic dust and less caterpillar goo.

But don't forget, every superhero has a downside. With fiery Mars dipping its toes in watery Scorpio, you may find yourself expressing your feelings with the subtlety of a supernova. This could lead to some prolonged asteroid collisions and cause some cracks in your relationships. So, be selective about which Death Stars you want to blow up, okay?

Mars in Scorpio feels a lot like signing up for a spiritual Spartan Race, pushing you to develop your personal power. If you can rise above the dark matter of power struggles, revenge, bitterness, and an inability to forgive, you'll conquer these parts of yourself with discipline and willpower that would make Spock raise an eyebrow.

So buckle up, space cadets, it's going to be a wild ride. Remember, in space, no one can hear you scream... unless you're channeling Mars in Scorpio!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 12 Tau 29' 07", moving backwards at 0.12 degrees per day, and is 599987695km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: A Cosmic Comedy of Errors

Gather round, folks, it's time for a lesson in cosmic comedy! You see, Jupiter, our galaxy's wise old grandaddy, has decided to take a vacation in the lush pastures of Taurus. Now, if you know anything about these two, you'll know this is a bit like trying to fit a planet-sized square peg in a bull-shaped hole. But hey, that's galaxies for you!

Let's break it down. Jupiter is the big brain of the cosmos, always urging us to think deep and ponder life's mysteries. Taurus, on the other hand, is the zodiac's equivalent of a grumpy old tortoise. It doesn't like change, but it sure loves its luxuries. So, when these two come together, it's like a celestial game of hide and seek. The answers we're looking for are right there, under our noses, but they're buried beneath a metric tonne of cosmic clutter and distractions. So, roll up your sleeves, folks. It's time to do some spiritual spring cleaning!

Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't some cruel cosmic joke. It's an opportunity. With Jupiter lodged in Taurus, it's like having a cosmic coach egging us on to reach our goals. We've got Jupiter cheering from the sidelines, urging us to grow, while Taurus keeps us grounded, reminding us to take one step at a time. So, take out those wish lists, people. It's crunch time!

And here's the kicker. Jupiter isn't just the planet of wisdom; it's also the planet of good luck. And Taurus? Well, it's the zodiac's equivalent of a cash cow. Put them together, and you've got a recipe for some serious cosmic cash flow. Time to check those bank accounts and investments, folks. Your ship might just be coming in!

But remember, Taurus is a bit of a hedonist. It loves the good life and has a hard time saying no. And Jupiter? Well, it's a planet that likes to expand. So, when these two get together, it might feel like you've been given a cosmic credit card with no limit. But be careful, folks. It's all fun and games until you wake up with a cosmic hangover. So, hold on to those purse strings


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 00 Pis 43' 56", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 1369060518km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

The Far-Out Frequencies of Saturn in Pisces

Hey, celestial siblings! Get ready to swim through the stardust because good old Saturn has decided to skinny-dip into the psychedelic waters of Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Isn't Saturn that space-rock known for being strict and all about discipline?" And yeah, you're right! But when the Cosmic Taskmaster takes a dip in the dreamy ocean of Pisces, things get...well, interesting. Think of it as if Spock decided to drop by Woodstock. On one hand, you've got this logical, rule-following guy. On the other, a sea of free-spirited, peace-loving individuals. It's like a cosmic clash of energies, right? But it's not about who wins. It's about finding balance, my friends. Saturn in Pisces is your cosmic permission slip to take those daydreams off the backburner and turn them into reality. Ever wanted to open a wormhole-themed coffee shop? Or write an epic trilogy about alien romance? Now's the perfect time to map out those plans and make them happen. Just remember, Saturn is like your stern but loving space-dad. He's going to ask the hard questions, but trust me, he's just trying to help. But here's the thing, folks. Saturn twirling in the dreamy dance of Pisces isn't all rainbows and unicorns. It may feel like an intergalactic invader poking around in your private dreams. Not so cool, right? But instead of blasting it away with a photon torpedo, try opening up the airlock and let the advice flow in. You might find it's more useful than a Swiss Army knife on a deserted moon. And remember, with Saturn plunging into the Piscean depths of sleep and dreams, you might find yourself a tad more restless than usual. Maybe you're up late, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, like why socks always disappear in the laundry. To counteract this cosmic restlessness, try some soothing techniques. Meditate with your favorite galaxy soundscape, take a moonlit walk, or simply breathe deeply and remember we're all just stardust in this vast cosmos. So folks, buckle up your asteroid belts and get ready to ride these far-out frequencies. Saturn in Pisces is a cosmic journey you won't want to miss!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 22 Tau 04' 16", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2801703502km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Well, well, well, if it isn't our rebellious friend Uranus shaking up the cosmos again. This time, it's decided to waltz into the territory of Taurus, the celestial equivalent of a chill dude lounging on his favorite couch. Taurus loves routine, comfort and a good old pastime of counting money. But, guess what? Uranus doesn't give a Wookiee's backside about any of that. Now, imagine Taurus as the Death Star, unmovable and set in its ways, and Uranus as the Millennium Falcon, swooping in with a rebel yell, bringing all sorts of chaos and change. Honestly, it's like trying to convince Chewbacca to try a new shampoo. It's not going to be easy, but hey, it's necessary. Money matters are about to get as twisted as Yoda's sentences. Expect some major shake-ups in the world of finance. We're talking new currencies, dramatic changes in banking, and a rollercoaster ride for the housing and stock markets. It's like watching Ewoks take over Wall Street. On a personal level, you might feel like you're stuck in carbonite, thanks to debts, taxes, credit card interest and rent. But, here's the good news - Uranus is here to pull a Han Solo and rescue you from this financial Jabba the Hutt. It's time to break free from your monetary chains. Resisting these changes is as pointless as a stormtrooper's aim. So buckle up, my fellow star-gazers, because whether we like it or not, we're going light-speed into a new era. And who knows? By the end of this cosmic journey, you might find yourself in a much better place, perhaps even a galaxy far, far away from where you started. Just remember, the Force (of change) is with you!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 29' 41", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4344316222km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune's Retrograde Rollercoaster in Pisces

Well, space cadets, strap on your psychic seatbelts and brace yourselves for a journey that's longer than the Star Wars saga and more twisty than a pretzel in a quantum physics lecture. That's right, Neptune, the planet named after the Roman God of the Sea – or as I like to call him, Poseidon's less famous cousin – is doing the cosmic cha-cha back through Pisces.

Now, for you non-astro nerds out there, Neptune in Pisces is like Yoda going through a spiritual awakening while floating on his back in the pool. It's a time when we all get to see the world with high definition emotional goggles. Suddenly, squabbling over who left the cap off the toothpaste seems as pointless as socks on a chicken. The real gold is in joining forces and embracing our collective weirdness.

So what does this mean for you? Well, no need to turn into a hermit and start weaving your own clothes from alpaca wool (though if that's your thing, power to you!). Instead, it's an opportunity to take a deep dive into the ocean of your feelings, exploring that underwater cave of creativity and dreams you've been avoiding because it looked a bit dark and scary.

Maybe it's time to finally sign up for that 'Mindfulness for Martian Migrants' class or create a sacred corner in your home where you can dance like nobody's watching - unless you have a pet, then they're definitely judging you. As for sharing your discoveries with the world, remember this: even in retrograde, Neptune's got your back. Just like your Wi-Fi connection, its presence is always there, supporting you and occasionally dropping out at the most inconvenient moments.

So buckle up, space explorers, and remember, as we navigate this celestial rollercoaster, the most important thing to hold onto is a sense of humor. After all, the universe might be a mystery wrapped in an enigma and served with a side of WTF, but it's our mystery to unravel. Happy stargazing!


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 27 Cap 54' 30", moving at 0 degrees per day, and is 5208840019km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Alright, buckle up space cadets, because this is going to get rocky! Our little buddy Pluto (yes, it's still a planet in my book), has decided to shimmy its way into Capricorn. Now, what does this mean for you? Well, first off, your GPS won't be of any use, because Pluto is approximately 5.2 billion kilometers away, give or take a few million. And if you're thinking of visiting, might I remind you that its current prograde motion might make your spaceship do a bit of a funky dance. Pluto in Capricorn is a bit like an intergalactic corporate merger. They're both determined, focused, and hell-bent on success. Think of it as Microsoft and Apple deciding to become best buds. But remember, just like any big corporate merger, there can be some... let's call them "misunderstandings". You might find yourself getting a bit more stubborn, a dash intolerant, and generally not too keen on listening to the opinions of others. So, if someone tries to tell you that Star Wars is better than Star Trek, you may want to take a deep breath before you launch into your well-rehearsed rebuttal. Now, Pluto isn't all doom, gloom, and corporate power struggles. It's also about transformation, self-improvement, and shedding old patterns that are as useful as a chocolate teapot. This little celestial body is encouraging you to have a spring cleaning of your soul. Just make sure you don’t throw out the good stuff with the bad. Remember, one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Or in this case, one person's negative pattern might be your ticket to self-discovery and growth. So, as we navigate through this cosmic event, remember to keep your wits about you, embrace change, and maybe invest in a good telescope. Because, let's face it, with Pluto in Capricorn, you never know what cosmic curveballs the universe might throw your way.

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun25 Lib 36' 28"
Moon19 Sag 02' 36"
Mercury24 Lib 55' 59"
Venus09 Vir 16' 37"
Mars04 Sco 48' 51"
Jupiter12 Tau 29' 07" R
Saturn00 Pis 43' 56" R
Uranus22 Tau 04' 16" R
Neptune25 Pis 29' 41" R
Pluto27 Cap 54' 30"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

Sun Square Pluto

Power struggles may be likely today. You may encounter others who try to force their will on you or others who resent feeling as if you are forcing your ego on them. Try to compromise and find a balance. Transformation can come about if you are open to change and if you can keep your ego from becoming all-encompassing. Today may be an intense day. Control your arrogance and your domineering attitudes. Be reasonable.People born under a challenging aspect between the Sun and Pluto are prone to inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior. When things are going well, they suffer from fears that something will come along to change that. Their thought patterns can be negative, and if not kept in check, they can seriously undermine their happiness. Constantly worrying that the rug will be pulled from under their feet can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sun-Pluto have tremendous power and strength–when they learn to accept and use that strength, instead of fear it, they are some of the most effective, insightful, helpful, and healing people around!One of the most prominent characteristics of these aspects is the tendency to be intensely dissatisfied with their personal accomplishments and expressions of self. These people put a lot of pressure on themselves regarding their own endeavors. A child, for example, with a challenging Sun-Pluto aspect may work hard at a piece of artwork, decide it’s not right, destroy it, and start all over again. This same child will be especially disturbed if they feel people are watching as they create their artwork. This is a simple example, but it’s quite descriptive of the tendency for these people to be dissatisfied with their creative self-expressions, and to want to hide their expressions from others until they feel the output is “right”. This is largely due to a perceived inability to express or reveal their true personalities to others. They experience a simultaneous urge to express themselves and to hide themselves. They struggle with a deep need to control themselves and life itself. Rarely are Sun-Pluto people completely satisfied with themselves. They are especially sensitive to criticism, and feel the need to “redo” themselves often. There is a marked fear of losing control, and this might stem from some traumatic event in childhood, or the childhood might have been crisis-ridden or emotionally-charged in general. As such, these people are often intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change. This can express itself through attempts to control their lives such that they can manage their fears of being taken off guard. Of course, this generally backfires!Another characteristic of these aspects is an intense need for privacy. They fear being exposed or invaded. Again, this is an expression of their dissatisfaction with the self they are projecting, and they are generally uncomfortable with their evolving ego. They seem to undergo many identity crises, and they feel the need to control what others know about them and think about them. Their fear of exposing themselves might cause them problems with others, who may begin to mistrust them, presuming that if they are so protective of their privacy, they must have something sinister to hide. The truth is, they struggle with a dissatisfaction with themselves and their fear of being exposed is really about a fear of being vulnerable, as well as a manifestation of their own identity crisis.These people are quick to read between the lines. They need to be careful, however, to avoid reading negative or dark things into situations or people. They need to know that if their tendency is to hunt for dark “truths” rather than unbiased truths, this is a self-destructive behavior that stems from fear. Many people with these aspects are overly attached to things, habits, people, and their past. At the root of this is an intense fear of change that would threaten to make them vulnerable. Still, Pluto’s goal is to transform through change. Inevitably, Sun-Pluto people will have to face their fear of change and accept that they need change in order to grow.We all have a dark, irrational side, but people with Sun-Pluto in hard aspect are forced to confront it and integrate it into their personalities. It can be a challenging process, especially because the Sun rules all that is “light” – the rational, conscious mind. The Sun is noble and righteous by nature. Aligned with Pluto, it can have a hard time accepting the darker, intense, and often irrational Pluto energies into one cohesive whole. This is the challenge that Sun-Pluto face. If these people find themselves using manipulative tactics to get their way, or attempting to control others through subversive tactics, it is a clear cue that they are mishandling Pluto energies. It is a powerful indication that their self-image is low. There is little satisfaction derived from getting our way through manipulation. It only serves to make us feel less effective in the long run and on a personal level. If I were to win a favor by using subversive tactics, what will it prove to me? It will reinforce my feeling that I am not effective just by being myself. And, effectiveness is something Sun-Pluto craves.Especially with the opposition, these people might attract manipulative, possessive, or jealous people into their lives. With the square, there is more of a tendency to attract dangerous or upsetting situations in the life. Either way, these people need to get in touch with the reason why they are attracting these people and situations. In all likelihood, they are not handling their own fears effectively, and they feel they are not in control of their lives, and a looping pattern is thereby created. They eventually come to realize that they are very strong people with enormous resilience. They need to identify with, face, and accept their “dark” side. Self-acceptance is the key to handling this aspect. Channeling Pluto energy into constructive channels is also important.Famous people with Sun in hard aspect to Pluto: Squares – Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), Jamie Lee Curtis, Sally Field; Oppositions – Muhammad Ali, Robert Duvall, John Travolta, Elvis Presley, Steve Allen, John Hurt, James Earl Jones; Oppositions – Nicole Brown Simpson, R.D. Laing, Maya Angelou, Jeffrey Archer, Brooke Shields, Margaret Thatcher, Steffi Graf, Barbra Streisand, Farrah Fawcett.


Mercury Square Pluto

You may experience verbal boxing matches today along with a test of wills. Propaganda may be spread that just isn't true. Don't bully people into seeing the rightness of your cause. Be tolerant of others' viewpoints. Remember, you're not always right.You are so perceptive and you dig so deep for answers that you can be your own worst enemy. As a result, you might find ulterior motives or dark intent where there is none, and your suspicious, provocative attitude can cause some problems in your personal life, particularly if it reaches the level of paranoia. Not many people enjoy being second-guessed all the time, yet that is something that you are inclined to do, and a tendency that should be kept in check in your dealings with others. However, your determination to get to the bottom of any matter, to rip away falsehoods and expose true motives, can be used for good if you employ it in your work, for example, which can involve investigation and research, psychology, or revealing and perhaps dark creative arts. You can be insatiably curious about all that is hidden, taboo, repressed, or secret. You have a great love of debate, but should be careful that you don’t overpower others with your strong opinions, attempting to “convert” them to your frame of mind, or treat regular debate or exchanges of opinion as battlegrounds. Many of you do learn to harness your intense mental energy and apply it productively. You are capable of very hard work and effort.Interpretation sample from the In-Depth Profile report — You are bright and insightful but the very strength and depth of your vision can mislead you. In consequence, you get in your own way a lot. The magnitude of a project can intimidate you so that you don’t even embark on it. You are a perfectionist and compulsive. You fear being judged by others as inadequate and this quality has you afraid to act. Of course, you do overcome this many times in your day to day life, but it goes smoother for you when you stop attributing negative motives to those around you. You are able to do this when you feel better about yourself. Periods of meditation and contemplation are necessary to get to know yourself.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Pluto: Squares – Hank Williams, Brigitte Bardot, Bjork, Bo Derek, Cloris Leachman, George Lucas, Mickey Rooney, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lee Iacocca, D. H. Lawrence; Oppositions – Oprah Winfrey, Boris Yeltsin, Elvis Presley, Shaquille O’Neal, Kurt Cobain.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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