The next Capricorn will start in 295 days (Sunday, 21 December, 2025, 15:29 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 21 days (Saturday, 22 March, 2025, 15:29 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 307 days (Friday, 02 January, 2026, 15:29 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 299 days (Thursday, 25 December, 2025, 15:29 UTC)

Mars moves to Capricorn in 289 days (Monday, 15 December, 2025, 15:29 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.


Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, corresponding to celestial longitude.

Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, 'Phone Home' For Some Cosmic Advice: Your Saturn-ruled Path is More Twisted Than E.T.'s Bike Ride!"


Capricorn Report

"Capricorns, Brace Yourselves! Saturn's Got Dad Jokes and Uranus is Going Through a Midlife Crisis!"


Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, it's time to pull up your Galactic Go-Go Boots: Cosmic Hokey-Pokey forecasted!"


Capricorn Report

"Capricorn: Prep for a Cosmic Goat Rodeo as Saturn Sends You on a Galactic Roller Coaster!"


Capricorn Report

"Logical Conclusions and Goat-like Ambitions: Capricorn’s Fortnightly Forecast - Now with 87.6% More Predictive Models and Klingon Proverbs!"
