The next Leo will start in 142 days (Tuesday, 22 July, 2025, 23:03 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo in 7 days (Sunday, 09 March, 2025, 23:03 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 116 days (Thursday, 26 June, 2025, 23:03 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 176 days (Monday, 25 August, 2025, 23:03 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 47 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 23:03 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Leo, prepare to Roar! Your mane is about to get supernova-level unruly as Mars enters a dance-off with Mercury. Don't forget your anti-frizz spray and diplomacy skills!"

The next Leo will start in 118 days, at Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

The Moon moves to Leo in 20 days, at Tuesday, 16 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Leo in 98 days, at Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

Venus moves to Leo in 107 days, at Friday, 12 July, 2024

Mars moves to Leo in 222 days, at Monday, 04 November, 2024

The Full moon is currently 16.6 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Hey there, LEOs! Grab your lightsabers and don your Jedi robes because the Force is strong with you this lunar cycle. The full moon, which in Tatooine terms is older than Yoda at a whopping 16.6 days, is spilling its cosmic energy into your life. Expect an Ewok-level of enthusiasm and creativity in your day-to-day tasks. You may feel like you're on the Millennium Falcon, shooting through hyperspace towards your goals. Just remember, speed isn't everything! Remember to take a break, enjoy a cup of blue milk, and maybe play a game of Dejarik (holochess) with a Wookiee. Romantically, your partner might be acting a bit like a scruffy-looking nerf herder. That's okay! Remember, Leia still fell in love with Han, and he was the scruffiest nerf-herder in the galaxy! In terms of health, you're stronger than an AT-AT walker, but don't push it. Even Skywalker needed his Bacta Tank rest after a hard day of training. At work? Well, let's just say you're going to make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. But remember, the Death Star wasn't built in a day, so be patient with yourself and your colleagues. To sum it up - May the Force be with you, Leo! #LeosInTheStars #JediHoroscope #StarWarsAstrology #FullMoonVibes #MayTheForceBeWithYou


SignToday Is Posting: 27.03.2024 07:42:01 (leo-27-03-2024)

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