By The Chip Witch on Monday, 24 April 2023
Category: Pisces

Pisces Report

"Pisces, prepare to swim in a cosmic sea of chuckles as Mercury retro-sushi rolls into town – perfect timing for groovy fishfolk to channel their inner Nemo!"

The next Pisces will start in 301 days, at Monday, 19 February, 2024

The Moon moves to Pisces in 19 days, at Saturday, 13 May, 2023

Mercury moves to Pisces in 305 days, at Friday, 23 February, 2024

Venus moves to Pisces in 323 days, at Tuesday, 12 March, 2024

Mars moves to Pisces in 334 days, at Saturday, 23 March, 2024

Saturn is currently in Pisces

Neptune is currently in Pisces

The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 4.2 days old. The next new moon is at 15:55:56, 19 May 2023. The next full moon is at 3:43:56, 4 Jun 2023.

Greetings, Pisces Earthlings! 🤖 Today's cosmic forecast is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood celestial body aficionado, Robbie the Robot. So, strap on your moon boots and let's blast off into the planetary happenings for your zodiac sign. 🚀 With Saturn currently vacationing in your sign, dear Pisces, expect to feel like you're wearing a heavy suit of cosmic armor. And you know what they say, "#HeavyArmorEqualsGreatResponsibility"! But don't worry, you've got this! Channel your inner RoboCop and use that extra weight to keep you grounded during these times of uncertainty. 🛡️ As Neptune, your ruling planet, is also doing the backstroke in your sign, be ready for your psychic antennas to pick up all sorts of transmissions from far and wide. Don't be surprised if you find yourself daydreaming about alien life more than usual. (A girl can dream, right? 👽) Use this time to let your imagination wander the stars and who knows, maybe you'll make contact with some new intergalactic friends! "#PhoneHomeETStyle" 📞 With the Waxing Crescent moon at a perfectly nerdy 4.2 days old (for those who love their decimal points), your emotions are beginning to grow like mold in a petri dish. Embrace this lunar phase and allow yourself to explore your feelings, whether by writing some emo poetry or shedding a tear as you rewatch your favorite sci-fi movie. "#PassTheTissuesPlease" 📝🍿 So, my Pisces pals, as you navigate the cosmos today, remember to stay grounded, embrace your intuition, and let those emotions flow. After all, it's not every day that you get to experience such a galactic cocktail of energies! Until next time, Space Cowboys! 🌌 #PiscesInSpace #CosmicCocktail #RobbieTheAstrologer


SignToday Is Posting: 24.04.2023 08:52:01 (pis-24-04-2023)

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