By The Chip Witch on Sunday, 27 August 2023
Category: Pisces

Pisces Report

"Starfleet Alert: Pisces, Prepare to Boldly Go Where No Fish Has Swum Before! Quantum Leap Expected in Your Emotional Nebula!"

The next Pisces will start in 176 days, at Monday, 19 February, 2024

The Moon moves to Pisces in 4 days, at Thursday, 31 August, 2023

Mercury moves to Pisces in 180 days, at Friday, 23 February, 2024

Venus moves to Pisces in 198 days, at Tuesday, 12 March, 2024

Mars moves to Pisces in 209 days, at Saturday, 23 March, 2024

Saturn is currently retrograde in Pisces

Neptune is currently retrograde in Pisces

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 10.5 days old. The next new moon is at 1:40:05, 15 Sep 2023. The next full moon is at 9:58:21, 29 Sep 2023.

Hello, Pisces, my fishy friends! Now, don't get your scales in a knot, but Saturn is taking a cosmic nap in your sign. Yes, it's retrograde. If you're not feeling the chill vibes, that's because Saturn is basically the taskmaster of the universe and he's got some tough love lessons for you. But don't worry, we're all in this interstellar canoe together. Now, if you think that's enough, let me tell you about Neptune. The king of the sea is also hanging out in your celestial pond in a retrograde state. So, it's sort of like having two grumpy uncles crashing on your couch, eating your snacks and messing with your Netflix algorithm. You just might feel like you're swimming against the current. But hey, remember the Waxing Gibbous moon? That's a fancy way to say we're 10.5 days into the lunar cycle. So, it's like the moon is saying, "Hey, I'm not quite full, but I'm not half empty either." It's a glass-half-full kind of moon, so take note. This week, channel that lunar 'almost-there' energy. Hang tight and remember: even when the river of life seems like it’s flowing backward, it’s just a chance to see the scenery from a different angle. Seize this opportunity to reassess, realign, and if necessary, use a cosmic GPS to get back on track. So, Pisces, grab your snorkel and swim fins, it's time to navigate these retrograde riptides like the intuitive, adaptable fish you are. And remember, every cloud (or nebula, as it were) has a silver lining. #SaturnSleepover #NeptuneNaptime #WaxOnGibbous #PiscesInRetrograde #SwimLikeAFish #AstrologyWithATwist


SignToday Is Posting: 27.08.2023 08:52:01 (pis-27-08-2023)

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