The next Scorpio will start in 235 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 18:53 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 15 days (Monday, 17 March, 2025, 18:53 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 218 days (Monday, 06 October, 2025, 18:53 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 250 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 18:53 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 204 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 18:53 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

Scorpio Report

"Scorpios Beware: Mercury’s in Retrograde and it's Having a Worse Day than When You Can't Find Your Favorite Turtleneck!"

The next Scorpio will start in 327 days, at Wednesday, 23 October, 2024

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 8 days, at Saturday, 09 December, 2023

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 318 days, at Monday, 14 October, 2024

Venus moves to Scorpio in 4 days, at Tuesday, 05 December, 2023

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.6 days old. The next new moon is at 23:32:07, 12 Dec 2023. The next full moon is at 0:33:43, 27 Dec 2023.

Greetings, celestial Scorpions! As your friendly neighborhood astrologer, I’m here to drop some cosmic wisdom that's hotter than the surface of the sun (that's about 5,505°C, for those curious). Just like our quirky buddy Wall-E, you're pretty good at finding beauty in the rubble. You're the type to find a perfectly good boot in a junkyard and repurpose it as a flower pot. So, if anyone can spin gold out of this week's cosmic chaos, it's you, Scorpio. The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.6 days old and has reached that awkward phase where it's contemplating its life choices, much like a middle-aged robot on an abandoned planet. It's a time of reflection and introspection, so don't be surprised if you find yourself staring into the mid-distance, wondering why you've collected so many sporks. This moon phase is reminding you to take stock, reevaluate, and declutter. Maybe it's time to let go of some of those bottle caps you've been hoarding. Remember, not every trinket is a treasure! Your planetary ruler Pluto, (which is totally still a planet in my book), is hanging out in the 3rd house this week. This could cause some communication hiccups. If you're feeling like your messages are getting lost in translation, just remember how Wall-E and Eve managed to express deep, profound love with simple beeps and boops. #LoveLanguage Also, Mars is in retrograde, which is like when your remote control car starts moving in reverse all by itself. This might be a good time to step back, take a breather, and recalibrate your batteries. In conclusion, Scorpio, keep being your wonderfully eccentric self. Embrace your inner Wall-E, keep sorting through the cosmic rubble, and remember: we’re all made of stardust. #ScorpioVibes #CosmicChaos #WaningGibbous #AstroLife


SignToday Is Posting: 01.12.2023 08:12:01 (sco-01-12-2023)

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