The next Scorpio will start in 235 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 15 days (Monday, 17 March, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 218 days (Monday, 06 October, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 250 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 204 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

Scorpio Report

"Scorpio, Brace Yourself for a Cosmic Tango: Planets Align in a Dance Off and Mars Ain't Taking No for an Answer!"

The next Scorpio will start in 97 days, at Wednesday, 23 October, 2024

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 24 days, at Sunday, 11 August, 2024

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 88 days, at Monday, 14 October, 2024

Venus moves to Scorpio in 67 days, at Monday, 23 September, 2024

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.5 days old. The next new moon is at 11:14:21, 4 Aug 2024. The next full moon is at 18:28:35, 19 Aug 2024.

Alright, Scorpios! Buckle up, because we're about to get astrological! Under the glow of the almost-full, 11.5-day-old Waxing Gibbous moon, your Scorpio energy is buzzing like a vintage Walkman on max volume. You know, the one you found in your grandpa's attic? Yeah, that bad boy. This moon phase is all about reflection, manifestation, and, most excitingly, anticipation. It's like the dramatic pause in a horror movie right before the alien monster jumps out. Except, in this case, the alien monster is your dreams and goals. Don't worry, they won't eat you... probably. Now, Scorpio, I know you're as mysterious as the dark side of the moon and as intense as a black hole - which is basically just a really clingy star if you think about it. But under this Waxing Gibbous, it's time to expose your secrets like a badly hidden UFO at Area 51! Take advantage of this cosmic energy by focusing on manifesting your goals. Bring them into reality like a mad scientist unveiling his newest invention. Will it be a giant robot? A time machine? Only you know, Scorpio, and the world is waiting with baited breath. So, pull up your favorite pair of tie-dye pants, put on your thinking cap, and get ready to conquer the universe. Or at least, the universe within you. Remember, you're a Scorpio. You're not just any star in the sky - you're a freaking supernova. Show 'em what you're made of! #ScorpioSeason #WaxingGibbousVibes #OutOfThisWorldGoals #Area51Reveal #SupernovaScorpio


SignToday Is Posting: 18.07.2024 08:12:01 (sco-18-07-2024)

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