The next Scorpio will start in 235 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 15 days (Monday, 17 March, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 218 days (Monday, 06 October, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 250 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 204 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 17:52 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

Scorpio Report

"Scorpio, Brace Your Antennae: It's More Rocks in the Warp Drive Than Roses in the Holodeck This Week!"

The next Scorpio will start in 210 days, at Wednesday, 23 October, 2024

The Moon moves to Scorpio tomorrow, at Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 201 days, at Monday, 14 October, 2024

Venus moves to Scorpio in 180 days, at Monday, 23 September, 2024

The Full moon is currently 16.6 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Hey there, Scorpy-doo! 🦂 Oh, boy, do I have some news for you! If you were hoping for a quiet, uneventful week, you might want to crawl back under that rock of yours. Because, my friend, the universe has something else in mind. Your ruling planet Mars is doing the cha-cha with Venus in the cosmic ballroom. Normally, this would be a passionate tango that could heat up your love life, but with Mars wearing his retrograde shoes, it's more like a game of Twister gone wrong. And let's not even get started on Venus' two left feet. So, if you're feeling like you're dancing on shaky ground, blame them. Now, let's talk about the 16.6 days old Full Moon. It's in a phase that we astrologers like to call the "Waning Gibbous," which sounds a lot like a character from a fantasy novel, doesn't it? But don't let its nerdy name fool you. This moon phase is all about releasing and letting go. Imagine you're an overstuffed backpack and the universe is a ruthless Marie Kondo. If it doesn't spark joy, toss it out! With Jupiter squaring off against Pluto, it's like watching Gandalf and Voldemort arm wrestling. These heavyweights are stirring up your home and work sectors, so expect some serious changes. Don't worry, change is switching from dial-up to Wi-Fi. In short, brace yourself, Scorpio. This week is going to be as unpredictable as a cat on catnip. But remember, you're a scorpion, not a scardey-cat. You've got this! #ScorpioShenanigans #CosmicTwister #MoonMarieKondo #AstrologyNerdAlert 🌌🔭🤓


SignToday Is Posting: 27.03.2024 08:12:01 (sco-27-03-2024)

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