The next Virgo will start in 116 days (Friday, 23 August, 2024, 06:44 UTC)

The Moon moves to Virgo in 17 days (Thursday, 16 May, 2024, 06:44 UTC)

Mercury moves to Virgo in 88 days (Friday, 26 July, 2024, 06:44 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 98 days (Monday, 05 August, 2024, 06:44 UTC)

There are no planets in Virgo at this time.


Virgo, is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac. Virgo is the second-largest constellation. It spans the 150-180th degree of the zodiac.

Virgo Report

"Virgo Alert! Cosmic Tidying Up Underway: Prepare for Precision, Perfection, and Peculiar Penchants for Planet Alignment. May the Force of Mercury be with You."


Virgo Report

"Virgo, Buckle up, Kid! Mercury's in Retrograde and We're About to Make The Kessel Run in Under 12 Parsecs!"


Virgo Report

"Virgo, Hold onto Your Beakers! Love is More Unpredictable Than Schrödinger's Cat this Month!"


Virgo Report

"Virgo, Get Ready to Dust Off Your Super-Nerd Cape: This Week Promises Galactic Geek-outs and Quantum Quandaries!"


Virgo Report

"Virgo, Phone Home! Your Cosmic Cleanup Duty Calls Amid a Galaxy of Retrogrades!"
