The next Aquarius will start in 122 days (Monday, 20 January, 2025, 00:38 UTC)

The Moon moves to Aquarius in 22 days (Saturday, 12 October, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

Mercury moves to Aquarius in 131 days (Wednesday, 29 January, 2025, 00:38 UTC)

Venus moves to Aquarius in 79 days (Sunday, 08 December, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

Pluto moves to Aquarius in 61 days (Wednesday, 20 November, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

There are no planets in Aquarius at this time.

The Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius

"Hold Onto Your Telescopes! The Moon's Ditching its Capricorn Cardigan for an Aquarian Tie-Dye T-shirt!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Aquarius

Pivot! Your originality is heightened while the moon is in Aquarius, so take advantage of it. Throw something into the mix for an ongoing project, or start up something just slightly off the wall. Consult with trusted advisors and bounce things off of them. Throw that spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.

The moon in Aquarius pushes you to get in touch with friends and engage, perhaps even involving them in your nefarious plans. That said, your individuality is wanting to shine through when the moon is in Aquarius, so perhaps it's also a time for you do you! Let that spontaneous streak out?


#Moon #Aquarius #Capricorn

Well, greetings Star Babies! This is your cosmic conductor, navigating the celestial seas with a twinkle in my eye and a cup of chamomile to soothe my nerdy nerves. Oh Moon, dear Moon! You've been hanging out in Capricorn, like an introverted Vulcan at a Starfleet convention, haven't you? But now, you're moving into Aquarius, and things are about to get as frisky as a tribble on a double espresso. Capricorn, our metaphorical Starfleet Academy, has taught you discipline, structure, and the gravity of responsibility (Pun intended, my friends!). But now, as you warp into the ever-rebellious Aquarius, you're about to experience a cosmic paradigm shift. Three words: Beaming up, baby! Like Scotty, you've got the controls. It's time to embrace your inner rebel. Remember the Prime Directive? Forget it! Well, not completely. Let's not abandon all reason here. But let's just say, it's time for some off-the-books exploration. Your mission during this lunar phase? Seek out new life, and new civilizations... or maybe just a new hobby or two. You're entering a world where Spock's logic meets Kirk's audacity, where Data's curiosity intersects with Picard's wisdom - a world where the impossible is merely improbable. So, ready your phasers for stunning new experiences and set your communicators to 'open-minded'. It's time to boldly go where no moon has gone before! It's a brave new world out there in Aquarian space, my friends. Remember, space is the final frontier, but good vibes are universal. May the force be with you... oh wait, wrong fandom. Engage! #MoonInAquarius #StarTrekHoroscope #CosmicRebellion #NerdAstrology #BeamMeUpMoonie

Moon, Capricorn, Aquarius

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